Olamide releases official track list of forthcoming "UY Scuti" album

Olamide releases official track list of forthcoming "UY Scuti" album

Nigerian indigenous rapper, Olamide has finally released the official track list of his forthcoming 12th studio album, UY Scuti. He started the campaign for the project with the release of "Rock" which recently made it to Billboard's top 10 Triller...

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from FreshPopMusic https://www.freshpopmusic.co/forum/entertainment/celebrities/149323-olamide-releases-official-track-list-of-forthcoming-uy-scuti-album
Olamide releases official track list of forthcoming "UY Scuti" album Olamide releases official track list of forthcoming "UY Scuti" album Reviewed by cmakigo on June 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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